10 Digital Healthcare Marketing Ideas in 2024

Digital Healthcare Marketing Ideas

Digital healthcare entails the use of information and communication tools to promote health.

This encompasses facilitating the management of health risks and illnesses as well as promotion of wellness.

The digital healthcare business spans across numerous platforms including applications and technologies.

Digital healthcare marketing is a billion-dollar industry that keeps growing thanks to increasing innovative tools for delivery of healthcare products and services.

2024’s Top 10 Trends: Digital Healthcare Marketing Ideas

Healthcare has over time become a digital business that harnesses online tools to enhance strategic outreach and innovative communication to expand the healthcare clientele.

Top Trends in Digital Healthcare Marketing Ideas

Heading into 2024 digital healthcare marketing strategies should consider designs that optimize market-segmentation, drive online engagement, and accelerate brand growth.

 Heading into the new year embracing digital healthcare marketing will be an inevitable necessity for new and existing healthcare enterprises.

Creating and maximizing online presence through profile optimization

A digital healthcare marketing approach for every healthcare business should consider is creating an online presence.

An online profile, like a Google Business Profile (GBP), is an attention-grabbing brand engagement strategy that you can use to target local clientele.

Creating a localized SEO based health marketing presence on a global platform such as Google means that the healthcare organization is available to those looking for services offered.

digital healthcare businesses in new york

Google has refined its search tools so that businesses with an online presence are accessible to clientele depending on the services they seek, the location of the business, and reviews of the business from previous clientele.

Having a Google Business Profile (GBP) means a client can find your business health through Google maps and access the brand’s name, address, business description, photos, and contact information.

A strategy to maximize online presence especially at the local level is to include the business location in the business description section of the brand profile.

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Targeting new clientele through Geofencing Ads

The main objective of digital healthcare marketing is maintaining the existing clientele base while also targeting new healthcare prospects.

A strategy to achieve this objective is working with real-time data insights that provide effective and efficient ways to maximize investment returns.

Geofencing is a location-based advertising strategy that enables a brand to target potential clients within the locality relying on their devices.

Potential clients in the healthcare field within the georeferencing areas are added to the georeferencing audience who you can then target with graphic and video-ads.

Geofencing digital marketing strategy is appropriate for any digital healthcare provider as it keeps expanding and providing your business with updated targeted market lists including new entries into the business-defined boundary.

That means that it is important for businesses that opt to use georeferencing strategy to define their boundaries based on their locations.

The georeferencing strategy has proved effective as a marketing tool with more than half of clients who receive georeferencing ads often visiting the nearby stores with about three quarters then eventually buying at least a product from the stores.

Digital healthcare marketing can also benefit immensely from adopting this business marketing strategy considering that most clients are often looking for healthcare facilities that are readily available to them and can be easily accessible.

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YouTube as a marketing tool

There is an increase in video content consumption online which makes it a must-have digital marketing tool.

For digital healthcare marketing, having a video about the healthcare facility and products is a sure way to enhance marketability.


Considering that YouTube is the second most popular platform behind Google, it makes sense for you to consider taking advantage of it as a marketing resource.

While exploring content on YouTube, patients are seeking information on their conditions and the facilities that can provide the sort of services they seek.

Further, having a YouTube channel associated with your digital healthcare marketing facility provides an avenue for marketing your products and services while also boosting your online presence.

The reason this is important is that trust in brands and services has shifted to assessment of online presence and the reviews associated with this presence.

YouTube channels should be avenues for channeling out relevant medical information but also marketing medical practices by associating the content with a specific medical facility.

This association can be through attachment of your logo or a brand template to your YouTube channel.

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LinkedIn as a marketing tool

Another platform digital healthcare brands can consider is LinkedIn for distribution of healthcare products and services electronically. This is a platform that allows for a continuous flow of information between doctors, medical practitioners, and their patients.


To maximize the LinkedIn platform, optimizing user experience is essential and can only be achieved through providing personalized experience.

Taking advantage of this platform that has advanced marketing technology entails using social media and online tools like videos as well as graphics to create SEO optimizing content that is readily consumed.

The other positive associated with LinkedIn is that it is built on creating connections and growing through referrals.

For instance, LinkedIn connects local physicians with drug marketing companies which then creates an avenue for referral business and increased networks at both local and regional levels.

Through LinkedIn connections, your digital marketing brand can adopt a more targeted marketing strategy that focuses specifically on your product and service line and brings on board the right clients.

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Maintain an email list and consistently send out monthly newsletters.

It is easy for a digital marketing brand to get lost in the hustle of looking for new clients. That often leads to brands neglecting their existing clients and this may sometimes cost digital healthcare marketing companies.

Having said that, it is important to emphasize maintaining the existing client base and keeping in touch with them.


You, as a digital healthcare marketer, can do this through developing marketing strategies that re-target existing clients and maintain the relationship with them.

Maintaining an email list provides your brand with an avenue to keep in touch with existing clients and provides an opportunity for your business to take advantage of its network.

This can be done through the creation of a newsletter that provides periodic updates on products and services.

Your typical newsletter should continuously update existing clients on the existing products and services as well as introducing new products to them to ensure that they remember where to get the services and products when they need them.

Existing clientele can also be retained through the initiation of loyalty rewards programs that provide incentives to maintain more business and encourage existing clients to introduce new clients.

Furthermore, this is one approach you can use to foster the referral business which heavily relies on networking.

Having and maintaining an email list ensures that your brand maintains the contacts of the business they have handled in the past.

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Social media and Influencer marketing

Digital marketing cannot be discussed without mentioning social media platforms. Social media ushered in an era of marketing where businesses such as health care can engage and interact with their target audience.

Influencer marketing

With the variety of social media platforms, it is essential you choose the right one based on the products and services but more importantly the target audience. The first step is for you to identify the right social media platform and then design the right advertisement.

It is also important you consider, based on your product, which social media platforms are suited to your marketing campaign with metrics like the age group targeted coming into play.

While discussing social media marketing it is important to consider the increasing importance of influencer marketing in the digital marketing world today.

For digital healthcare marketing, choosing the right influencer for instance may entail finding someone healthy and who is a beneficiary of the product or service.

In another context, your brand may opt for a younger influencer if the plan is to target a youthful audience.

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Website responsiveness and mobile optimization

Digital healthcare clients consider the ease of use and quality of service provided when assessing digital marketing tools.

As such, one consideration from the get-go is the design and user experience associated with a digital healthcare marketing website.

Website responsiveness and mobile optimization

Website performance determines your brand’s credibility and determines the likelihood of return for service in future.

Often, poor website experiences lead to a negative association with a brand, and this scares away potential clients and significantly reduces potential referral opportunities.

It is important to bear in mind that digital marketing today is based on user experiences that are used for ranking.

Apart from the website user experience, customers consider mobility especially since more people access the websites through their smartphones and tablets.

During designing websites, responsiveness and mobile optimization are important factors to consider, not just for the ranking but also for enhancing user experience, improving user traffic, raising visitor retention, and increasing the profitability of the healthcare venture.

Websites should be faster and offer a better user experience.

Visitors prefer fast loading sites and want to work with sites whose speed is up to par.

Optimizing website performance makes searches easier and help improve website ranking which means a more effective website for a digital healthcare marketing strategy.

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Leveraging reviews, testimonials, and feedback for brand growth

While exploring possible digital marketing services, clients will often assess the feedback from former clients and will usually check online reviews.

Healthcare audiences are attracted by insight-driven campaigns that foster patient-centric experiences and these are the basis for reviews. These become the determining factor for visits, selection of service, or return business.

Most people, especially those new to a product, service or business will browse the reviews and form an opinion about your digital healthcare brand based on that.

This emphasizes the need for your brand to create solid credibility and trust while engaging with clients in addition to enhancing their experience with digital tools.

Another strategy to build your brand’s credibility is creating video testimonials from satisfied clients and sharing those through digital media to build the brand’s reputation.

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Provide preventative health information.

The objective of your digital healthcare marketing heading into 2024 is to expand the brand reach by leveraging the existing opportunities and effectively coordinating marketing strategies.

One such opportunity is availing information to the client on health conditions that are preventable.

For instance, recommending measures that clients can put in place to prevent incidents from occurring is timely and necessary information that may seem obvious to health practitioners but very helpful to their clients.

Providing such information is not just a cost-effective service but also an effective way to build trust in your brand.

Through such outreach strategies and targeted professional interventions or campaigns, that emphasize efficiency and appeal to specific segments identified by health needs and age among others, trust is your brand is built and credibility fostered.

Providing a preventative health information approach is a form of highly precise targeting that entails developing customized innovative healthcare campaigns which offer new solutions for patient welfare.

Through coordinating with specialists, such digital marketing campaigns guarantee returns in the form of new clients and client retention.

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Engaging clients on the different digital platforms

The success of digital healthcare marketing resources hinges on maximizing its use and this can be achieved through attaching tags, adding location information, and providing detailed descriptions.


Your digital healthcare marketing platforms should be associated with the brand’s social media platforms, email, and website to provide people with avenues to follow-up.

While these strategies are effective for product and service marketing and presence, the most effective strategy for your digital marketing brand is having an online presence to provide up-to-date information when it is needed.

This entails providing education materials and promptly answering any questions that may arise from posts that have been shared on the brand’s digital platforms.

Such an interactive approach to dealing with clients is effective in fostering trust and encouraging long-lasting relationships that yield client loyalty and return business for your digital healthcare marketing brand.


The benefit of adopting digital healthcare marketing is that it is easier to find prospective clients, it gives a competitive edge in client attraction and brand growth, it enhances client experience, it helps with client retention, it drives revenue growth, it can help with evaluation of productivity and revision of the brand marketing strategy, and it can help the business with growth and expansion strategies.

However, with digital healthcare marketing that is constantly evolving and growing, it is important to keep up with the latest marketing trends that improve the whole experience, overcome the existing challenges, and maximize the benefits reaped from the healthcare business.

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Saiman Dahal

author saiman

I'm Saiman Dahal, a specialist in digital marketing. At Marketing-Optimist, I delve into the nuances of online marketing and blogging, revealing the precise tools and tactics I employ to earn online. Additionally, I assist small enterprises in boosting their online presence and capturing more leads via SEO and content marketing.

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